lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013


Here you have some fears and phobias of some famous


Johnny Depp
It seems strange, but the actor is afraid of clowns. "I do not know if face paint or the fake smile.'is Creepy," he said.

Brad Pitt 
The handsome actor has "selacofobia" terrified of sharks. He acknowledged that neither can look.


The singer suffers from "Brontophobia", which is the fear of lightning and storms

Orlando Bloom

His phobia is the most peculiar: the pigs. It looks like the Pirates of the Caribbean actor suffers years and passes bad if you see these animals.

 My phobia is...


Fears and phobias of One Direction

Louis Tomlinson: Has fear of birds and pigeons.
Niall Horan: The claustrophobic. Has fear of small spaces and birds.
Zayn Malik: He is afraid of heights, ride a horse and water because he can't swim.
Liam PayneHe is afraid of spoons and the heights.
Harry Styles: He is afrais of snakes.

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